She even included the class notes that I started to read and know I will find extremely useful. I think I might have to make my way over to the thrift stores and look for some wool garmets.
Isn't this the cutest treat bag pattern?! I know I will not find time to make it this year but look out next year. Halloween is Bee's favorite holiday so maybe I don't have to wait until next year, she would find a use for one year round.
Dorian's Round Robin is finished and has arrived safely home. Now I get to post a picture to share. Dorian I hope you like it. This was my first Round Robin and it was so much fun. Stop by The Quilt and Needle Albums and see how everybody's are turning out. Sign ups for a Row Robin are happening now.
Mine still has at least 2 more borders so I don't expect it home anytime soon.
I love it Tiffaney!! You Gals did a wonderful job on my RR, thank you so much :)